Order Blade
- For other uses, see Weapons.
A weapon is a piece of equipment that can be used to deal damage to any person or creature.
- Amber Weapons
- Bone Arrow
- Crystal Staff
- Dagger of Friendship
- Dark Seducer Weapons
- Dawnfang/Duskfang
- Durable Weapons
- Fork of Horripilation
- Gatekeeper Bone Arrow
- Golden Saint Weapons
- Grommok's Blade
- Grummite Arrow
- Grummite Bow
- Grummite Cleaver
- Grummite Cudgel
- Grummite Dagger
- Ly'ssane
- Madness Weapons
- Nelrene's Ceremonial Shortsword
- Nerveshatter
- Order Blade
- Ruin's Edge
- Shadowrend
- Staff of Sheogorath
- Steel Arrow
- Sword of Jyggalag