- "Rats in a Cream Sauce. Rat Flambe. Rat Necrom, with Bone Meal Gravy. Deep Fried Rat. Lemon Rat and Wild Rice. Rat Ragu, with Powdered Deer Penis!"
- ―Weebam-Na[src]
Weebam-Na is an Argonian commoner who lives in a small shack in Leyawiin with his wife, Bejeen. He considers himself a rat hunter and has some opinions on the subject.
He is a part of the quest "Mazoga the Orc," since Mazoga needs an escort to Fisherman's Rock. He is also a part of Nocturnal's cult, where he has heard rumors about the location of the Eye of Nocturnal.
- Weebam-Na "I am Weebam-Na. What do you want?"
- Eye of Nocturnal "Never heard of the thing. An neither has Bejeen. You ask too many questions."
- Tidewater Cave (After overhearing the conversation) "Tidewater Cave? Tidewater Cave! Why... why do you ask about this place?"
- I thought you mentioned it. "I did no such thing. I think perhaps you've been spying on me. Yes... spying! You cannot have my treasure!"
- Bejeen mentioned it to me. "Bejeen? Bejeen knows nothing. Bejeen tells stories. Silly Bejeen. Shame on Bejeen to tell such silly, silly stories."
- Tidewater Cave "There is no need to speak of that place. It is a bad place."
- Mazoga the Orc
"I'm Weebam-Na. What do you want?"
- Mazoga the Orc "I see. So an Orc named Mazoga wants to see me? And she expects me to come to her? I don't know her. I'd be smart to ignore her. But... I never learned anything by being smart. And you seem to be a right skipper. So I guess I'll have to see what this is about. Thank you."
If approached again:
"I'm going to see Mazoga. Come along, if you like."
After speaking with Mazoga:
"Good luck with Mazoga."
- Mazoga the Orc "She's got terrible manners. Being her friend may be a lot of work. But my sniffer says she might be worth it."
Bejeen: "But what if the trolls eat it?
Weebam-Na: "Trolls don't like water. Trolls don't swim. The eye is perfectly safe in Tidewater Cave. So relax."
- Fisherman's Rock
Weebam-Na: "You want to speak to me?" Mazoga: "You are Weebam-Na?" Weebam-Na: "Yes." Mazoga: "I want to go to Fisherman's Rock. Where's that?" Weebam-Na: "Fisherman's Rock is north of Leyawiin, about six hours walk, on a point of land on the eastern shore of the Niben." Mazoga: "Take me there. Now. I'm in a hurry." Weebam-Na: "Why?" Mazoga: "That's my business." Weebam-Na: "Then, if you won't tell me why, I won't take you anywhere." Mazoga: "Then to hell with you!"
- "Rats. Hate them. HATE them. Every one. Gonna hunt them down and chop them all to tiny bits. Oh. Did I say that out loud? Excuse me. I'm Weebam-Na, the hunter. You got to excuse me. I got rats on the mind."