Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Weynon Priory.

Weynon Priory is a chapel and settlement southeast of Chorrol. At the settlement, there is a priory that has an altar. The Hero can use it to receive blessings.


In 3E 360, the Prior Emelene Madrine of the Order of Talos wrote the book The Book of the Dragonborn at the Weynon Priory. In it, he wrote about the history and significance of those known as Dragonborn down through the ages.


The secret grandmaster of the Blades, Jauffre, along with two other monks; Prior Maborel and Brother Piner. They reside in the Weynon House, while Shepherd Eronor lives in the lodge.

During the day, Prior Maborel and Brother Piner can be seen walking around the area. Eronor tends to the horses at stable.

Main quest[]

After starting the Main Quest, the Hero can ask those residing at the priory for help. Jauffre will offer leveled weaponry, Brother Piner will lend them the book The Warp in the West, Eronor will give up one of his Repair Hammers, and Prior Maborel will let them use his horse.

The settlement plays a role in the main quest as the location of Jauffre. The Hero is sent there by Emperor Uriel Septim VII, to deliver the Amulet of Kings to him, right before he is assassinated by the Order of the Mythic Dawn.

After the quest Weynon Priory and the death of Prior Maborel, Jauffre moves to Cloud Ruler Temple, although Brother Piner and Eronor will still reside in Weynon Priory and continue doing their everyday chores.



  • The name Weynon Priory may have came from the town Weydon-Priors from the classic book The Mayor of Casterbridge.
  • The design of the main building at Weynon Priory is based on that of the Prior's Lodging at Castle Acre Priory in Norfolk, UK.

