Whose Wedding? is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online.
The bandits at Sep's Spine have canceled hostilities for sake of the boss's daughter's wedding.
- Talk to Aqabi of the Ungodly
- Talk to Ashtad
- Talk to Sarveeyah at-Wildur
- Talk to Wildur the Ungodly
- Collect Dowry Gold
- Collect Dowry Silk
- Put the Dowry into Place
- Find Ashtad
- Find the Keys
- Talk to Sarveeyah at-Wildur
- Issue an Honor Challenge to Wildur the Ungodly
- Defeat Wildur the Ungodly
- Talk to "Slicer" of the Ungodly
- Talk to Sarveeyah at-Wildur Outside the Camp
When approaching Sep's Spine, you will encounter a woman called Aqabi of the Ungodly. Speak to her, and she will offer you the opportunity to make some money. She will direct you to go help the matchmaker Ashtad, who has been hired to find a marriage partner for Aqabi's boss' daughter.
Head through the tunnel and into Sep's Spine, which is the first turn to the right. There, head to Ashtad's tent and speak with the man. He will tell you that the bride-to-be, Sarveeyah at-Wildur, is unwilling to speak to him, so he cannot determine what she is looking for in a spouse. He will ask you to go and talk to her. She will be on the southwestern end of the camp; speak to her and she will tell you that she has no desire to get married; that she wants to travel and see the world. She will direct you to go talk to her father, Wildur the Ungodly, as this whole marriage was his idea.
Wildur will be to the west, in the big tent. There is no option to tell him his daughter does not want to get married; all you can do is tell him that she has no real preference with regards to a groom. Wildur will then send you to go place the dowry gifts in the entrance hall. Head back up the hill; you will find the bag of dowry silk to your left next to a tent. The dowry gold will be at the entrance to the cave in the east of the camp. Once you have both of the items, head to the cave to the west of the camp and place them into the chest there. Upon doing so, you will be attacked by Aqabi, the woman who gave you the quest. The other members of the clan will now all be hostile too.
Head back to Ashtad and he will tell you that he is in fact not a matchmaker but rather a swindler. He intended to steal the dowry from these bandits and head off, which is why the clan turned hostile. Ashtad will tell you that he only targets bandits and is therefore not a bad person, and will ask you to get the keys to his shackles from Wildur's tent. At the tent, you will run into Sarveeyah. Apparently, she was the one who tipped off the others about Ashtad being a fraud. She will help you and Ashtad get away if you promise to take her with you; she can take the keys if you distract Wildur and his goons by challenging him to a duel.
Head through the tunnel where you found the dowry gold and speak with "Slicer" of the Ungodly. Tell him you wish to challenge Wildur to a duel, then head on into the arena; Wildur will be waiting for you there. Once you have beaten him, speak with "Slicer" again and he will tell you that despite the clan's traditions, they will not bow to you as their new leader. Head out of Sep's Spine and talk to Sarveeyah there to finish the quest.
This section is missing a journal entry.
- Update 1: This quest will now advance properly when you force Wildur the Ungodly to flee from combat.[1]