- Not to be confused with Wilhelm the Worm or Willem.
Wilhelm is a Nord innkeeper and owner of the Vilemyr Inn, in Ivarstead.
Lifting the Shroud[]
Wilhelm wants someone to investigate Shroud Hearth Barrow because he believes it to be haunted. An adventurer by the name of Wyndelius Gatharian has gone missing in the barrow, and spirits have been spotted outside. Bringing Wilhelm Wyndelius's Journal will reward the Dragonborn with the Sapphire Dragon Claw that is required to travel further into Shroud Hearth Barrow.
The Straw that Broke[]
Narfi asks the Dragonborn to confront Wilhelm about his sister.
Under the Table[]
Romlyn Dreth, from Riften, asks the Dragonborn to deliver a stolen Black-Briar Mead Keg to Wilhelm.
Lifting the Shroud must be completed in order for Wilhelm to become available for marriage.
Where can I learn more about magic? "I've got no interest in magic users. No use for their kind at all. They're way up north in Winterhold, and that's fine with me. I don't even like our Jarl havin' a court wizard."
"If I were you, I'd keep away from the barrow on the east side of town... it's haunted."
- What's the story with Narfi? "He's harmless. He's been in a state ever since his sister Reyda disappeared over a year ago. He just keeps to himself in what's left of his folk's farmhouse across the river."
- You told Narfi she's coming back? "I just said that to make the poor guy feel better. I'm pretty sure she's dead. Reyda would gather ingredients from the small island in the river east of here. Then one day, she just vanished. I tried to look for her, but she never turned up."
- Anything dangerous on that small island to the east? "I've seen some sort of a cave entrance over there. Folks call it "Geirmund's Hall," but I don't know why. Probably best if you avoid it for now... it didn't seem to do Reyda any good."
- You told Narfi she's coming back? "I just said that to make the poor guy feel better. I'm pretty sure she's dead. Reyda would gather ingredients from the small island in the river east of here. Then one day, she just vanished. I tried to look for her, but she never turned up."
After finding Reyda's Necklace:
"If I were you, I'd keep away from the barrow on the east side of town... it's haunted."
- Is this her necklace? (Show necklace) "Reyda! You saw Reyda? Did you tell her Narfi cries? Did you tell her Narfi never said goodbye like mother and father?"
- Under the Table
"We don't get many visitors through here, unless their headed up to High Hrothgar of course."
- I have a delivery from Romlyn. "All right, pipe down. You wanted the whole blessed place to hear you? The arrangement called for a trade. I hope you'll find this suitable."
- "We don't get many visitors through here, unless they're headed up to High Hrothgar of course."
- "Need a room? Maybe a drink? You name it."
- "Now that our "ghost" has been unmasked, I hope we see more visitors in town than just the occasional pilgrim." – After Lifting the Shroud is completed
- "If you're headed up to the monastery, watch your step. It's a long way down." – Upon exiting conversation
- "If you pass through again, stop by for a drink." – Upon exiting conversation
- A note from Wilhelm labeled An Apology can be found inside The Pawned Prawn. Inside the note, it can be inferred that Bersi Honey-Hand, owner of the shop, and Wilhelm are "old friends," and that he had requested that Wilhelm investigate Shroud Hearth Barrow, as "trinkets from the Nordic Barrows sell quite well..."
This section contains bugs related to Wilhelm. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:
- PC PS3 If Reyda's Necklace is in the Dragonborn's possession and Wilhelm is spoken to, the option, "Is this her necklace (Show necklace)" may appear, and Wilhelm may reply (in his own voice) with Narfi's dialogue: Reyda! You saw Reyda? Did you tell her Narfi cries? Did you tell her Narfi never said goodbye like mother and father?"
- If the quest "Contract: Kill Narfi" from the Dark Brotherhood questline is started, Narfi will give the option to return the necklace.