Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"A good woodworker sees the final product before cutting the first block of wood. But I can't teach two crafts once. If you commit yourself to the training, I'll certify you."

Woodworker Certification is a quest available to be initiated from Millenith in a Fighters Guild Hall around first zones in Tamriel.


If I can prove I know my way around a workbench, Millenith will certify me as a woodworker.


  • Talk to Millenith
  • Acquire Rough Maple: 0/10
  • Talk to Millenith
  • Talk to Millenith
  • Acquire Sanded Maple: 0/3
  • Craft Maple Bow: 0/1
  • Approach Millenith
  • Talk to Millenith
  • Deconstruct a Woodworking Item
  • Talk to Millenith


Millenith can be found at the Fighters Guild chapters in any of the three Alliances' first cities, along with Orsinium, Vivec City, and Alinor.

Millenith Dialogue Screen

Millenith, a crafting certificator.

"Let me know if you have some time. I can train and certify you in something else!"

I'm interested in woodworking certification. "A good woodworker sees the final product before cutting the first block of wood. But I can't teach two crafts once. If you commit yourself to the training, I'll certify you."
I want to be certified as a woodworker. "I want to know if you can craft a maple bow. First, go harvest some rough maple. You'll refine it into sanded maple at a woodworking station. Last, you'll take the sanded maple and turn it into a maple bow."
You'll certify me if I craft a maple bow? "Absolutely. Bows are challenging to craft. Show me you're up to the challenge and I'll happily certify you. But first, go get me a bundle of rough maple."
Where can I find rough maple? "There's a place nearby which should have what you need. Collect an armload and return here. If there's not enough, you'll need to search for more."
I'll return with the maple. "Look for rough maple in forested areas. Sometimes you'll see logs washed up on beaches."
I already have some rough maple. (If the Vestige already has ten rough maples.) "Bring the rough maple to a woodworking station. As long as you have enough, you can refine it into sanded maple. Return to me when you've done that and we'll talk about crafting a maple bow."
I already have some sanded maple too, actually. (If the Vestige already has sanded maple.) "Craft a maple bow at a woodworking station. You'll need sanded maple―also, a style material. Scavenge them yourself, or buy a style material from a carpenter."
I'll go craft that bow, then. "I prefer to work with maple. It's reliable, plentiful... rarely full of wasps."

The Vestige must then scour for rough maple, and then return to Millenith to craft a maple bow.

"Look for rough maple in forested areas. Sometimes you'll see logs washed up on beaches."

I have the maple right here. "You should avoid cutting a rough maple log with a wasp nest inside. It's rather unpleasant. So are the lotions you'll need for the stings."
I have the sanded maple. What do we do next? "Craft a maple bow at a woodworking station. You'll need sanded maple―also, a style material. Scavenge them yourself, or buy a style material from a carpenter."
What is a style material? "Every race has a traditional material they work into their weapons and armor. For example, the Imperial style material is nickel. I should know―every day in the legion camps, I worked a pile of it."
What style material do I need? ""The Dark Elf style material is obsidian. Try that and see." (If the Vestige is Dunmer.)"
How do I learn other racial styles? "You can learn how to craft with another race's style material by studying racial motif books. They're quite rare, mostly held by collectors, so watch for them in your travels."

After crafting the maple bow at a woodworking station, talk to Millenith once more.

"Craft a maple bow. Bring some sanded maple to a woodworking station, as well as a style material. Carpenters sell them, if you can't find any yourself."

I have the bow right here. "A good bow will get you far in life. Making good bows will get you farther."
I'm ready for the next step. "Excellent! Now we can talk about deconstruction. You grow as a woodworker when you disassemble your own creations―even more so with someone else's work. Head to a woodworking station and deconstruct your bow, or any other crafted wood."
How is deconstruction useful to me? "You'll regain some components, of course―but the real trick is to deconstruct another crafter's work. You can learn far more by disassembling someone else's material than your own."
What is deconstruction? "It's a fancy way to say 'take something apart.' The term originally came from Altmer poetry critiques. High Elves consider their physical crafts to be forms of poetry, so it stuck. 'You can't know what a sword is; only what it's not,' and so forth."

"Go to a woodworking station and deconstruct your maple bow. Or another piece of crafted wood, really―as long as you understand deconstruction, I'm happy."

After the Vestige is finished deconstructing their woodworking item, they must then speak with Millenith about rectifying themselves as a woodworker.

"I've seen everything I need to see. You're a fine woodworker with a steady hand."

I'm ready to be certified as a woodworker. "Certainly. You're more than qualified to fulfill woodworking crafting writs. I'll certify you immediately."


  • 46–151 Gold
  • Pitch
  • 1,000 Inspiration


Journal Entry
I should speak with her and find out what she wants me to do.
  • Objective: Talk to Millenith
Millenith wants me to return with rough maple. I should search the nearby area she mentioned. If I don't find enough, I should search forested areas.

Alternatively, I could ask a friend for help or purchase some from a guild store.

  • Objective: Acquire Rough Maple: 0/10
  • Hint: Search for Rough Maple
  • Objective: Talk to Millenith
  • Hint: Search Forested Areas for Maple If You Run Out
I should speak with Millenith and let her know I have enough rough maple.
  • Objective: Talk to Millenith
Millenith asked me to return with sanded maple. I can refine rough maple into sanded maple at a woodworking station.

Alternatively, I could ask a friend for help or purchase some from a guild store.

  • Objective: Acquire Sanded Maple: 0/3
  • Hint: A Woodworking Station Can Refine Rough Maple.
  • Objective: Talk to Millenith
I should speak with Millenith and let her know I have enough sanded maple.
  • Objective: Talk to Millenith
I need to craft and deliver a simple maple bow to Millenith. I must bring three pieces of sanded maple and one racial (The Vestige's defined race.) style material to a woodworking station to create the bow.

If I can't find a racial (The Vestige's defined race.) style material, I can purchase one from any carpenter.

  • Objective: Craft Maple Bow: 0/1
  • Hint: Carpenters Sell the Racial (The Vestige's defined race.) Style Material
  • Objective: Approach Millenith
I should speak with Millenith and let her know I created a maple bow.
  • Objective: Talk to Millenith
I need to deconstruct the maple bow I made for Millenith. I can do so at a woodworking station.

Millenith said I could deconstruct something else if I wanted to keep the bow.

  • Objective: Deconstruct a Woodworking Item
I proved my woodworking skills to Millenith. I should speak with her to become certified. Once certified, I will be able to fulfill woodworker crafting writs.
  • Objective: Talk to Millenith
  • Quest complete


  • If the Vestige's Carpentry skill line is level 10 or higher, Millenith will simply grant them the certification without requiring a demonstration of their skill.
  • The objectives to acquire and refine the wood will be skipped if the Vestige already has enough of those materials in their inventory or bank storage.