Zahari is a Khajiit member of the Elsweyr Defense Force in The Elder Scrolls Online who provides repeatable quests for the Vestige after they have completed the Elsweyr prologue quest "The Halls of Colossus." She can be found north of Cormount in Grahtwood, Valenwood.
Dark Souls, Mighty Weapons[]
The Vestige is tasks with filling soul gems with the souls of any Daedra so that the Defense Force can use them to enchant weapons in their fight against the dragons. Zahari provides this quest to the Vestige on a random basis.
Dragon Lore: Icehammer's Vault[]
The Vestige is tasked with recovering a scroll from Icehammer's Vault in Eastmarch, Skyrim, that details how the ancient Nords fought against the dragons so that the Defense Force can use them to instruct their recruits. Zahari provides this quest to the Vestige on a random basis.
Dragon Lore: Shroud Hearth[]
The Vestige is tasked with recovering a scroll from Shroud Hearth Barrow in the Rift, Skyrim, that details how the ancient Nords fought against the dragons so that the Defence Force can use them to instruct their recruits. Zahari provides this quest to the Vestige on a random basis.
Dragon Lore: Stormcrag Crypt[]
The Vestige is tasked with recovering a scroll from Stormcrag Crypt in the Eastmarch, Skyrim, that details how the ancient Nords fought against the dragons so that the Defence Force can use them to instruct their recruits. Zahari provides this quest to the Vestige on a random basis.
Goblin Demonstration[]
The Vestige is asked to demonstrate their skills in combat against goblins for the benefit of Defense Force recruits at the Stonechewer Goblin Camp in Stormhaven, High Rock. Zahari provides this quest to the Vestige on a random basis.
Lamia Demonstration[]
The Vestige is asked to demonstrate their skills in combat against lamias for the benefit of Defense Force recruits at the ruins of Loriasel in Shadowfen, Black Marsh. Zahari provides this quest to the Vestige on a random basis.
Lurcher Demonstration[]
The Vestige is asked to demonstrate their skills in combat against lurchers for the benefit of Defense Force recruits at Rootwater Grove in Greenshade, Valenwood. Zahari provides this quest to the Vestige on a random basis.
Skeleton Demonstration[]
The Vestige is asked to demonstrate their skills in combat against skeletons for the benefit of Defense Force recruits at Cath Bedraud in Glenumbra, High Rock. Zahari provides this quest to the Vestige on a random basis.
Spider Demonstration[]
The Vestige is asked to demonstrate their skills in combat against spiders for the benefit of Defense Force recruits at Kulati Mines in the Alik'r Desert, Hammerfell. Zahari provides this quest to the Vestige on a random basis.
Show: Dark Souls, Mighty Weapons |
Starting the quest:
What can I do to help? "The storytellers speak of the time of Dragons, and of the warriors who fought against them. These legends tell us of weapons imbued with the soul of a Daedra, and their effectiveness against the beasts. To fight, we need Daedric souls."
Turning in the quest: "So you've returned. Were you able to capture the Daedric souls?"
Dragon Lore: Icehammer's Vault |
Starting the quest:
How can I help? "A long time ago, the Nords fought their own battle against Dragons. They wrote of their fighting techniques on many scrolls, and hid them within their crypts. The knowledge in these scrolls could prove most useful for our legion."
Turning in the quest: |
Show: Dragon Lore: Shroud Hearth |
Starting the quest:
How can I help? "Long ago, the Nords also fought back against a Dragon invasion. They documented their battles in scrolls, which they then hid within their crypts. Those scrolls would greatly helpo the Khajiit prepare for our own battles."
Turning in the quest: "You have returned to Zahari unharmed. Good. But is your assignment complete?"
Show: Dragon Lore: Stormcrag Crypt |
Starting the quest:
How can I help? "Many moons ago, the Nords fought their own battles against the Dragons. They wrote many scrolls detailing these battles, ensuring their descendants would never lose such knowledge. Our legion would benefit greatly from these scrolls."
Turning in the quest: "You have returned to Zahari unharmed. Good. But is your assignment complete?"
Show: Goblin Demonstration |
Starting the quest:
How can I help? "Our new recruits are eager for blood, but have seen little of the battlefield. They need the aid of an experienced warrior if ever they are to become true soldiers. A warrior such as yourself, yes?"
Turning in the quest: "So you've returned. Has your assignment been completed?"
Show: Lamia Demonstration |
Starting the quest:
How can I help? "Many recruits have answered our call, but they are unskilled and untested. We are in deparate need for experienced warriors to show them the ways of battle. Perhaps you would be willing to help?"
Turning in the quest: "Greetings. Was your assignment successful?"
Lurcher Demonstration |
Starting the quest:
How can I help. "Our recruits sharpen their claws in the safety of camps, but few have seen the blood of battle. We need someone of true experience to prepare these soldiers for what lies ahead."
Turning in the quest: "You have returned to Zahari unharmed. Good. But is your assignment complete?"
Skeleton Demonstration |
Starting the quest:
How can I help? "Though our new recruits are eager, they have had little practice in combat. As a warrior of experience, Zahari requests your aid in training our soldiers."
Turning in the quest: "So you've returned. Has your assignment been completed?"
Show: Spider Demonstration |
Starting the quest:
How can I help? "We have many eager soldiers in Elsweyr, but most have had little time to sharpen their claws. As an experiences warrior, we could use your help in training our recruits."
Turning in the quest: "Greetings. Was your assignment successful?"
- "Dragons fly over Elsweyr and dark moons hang within our skies. We must find what light we can." – General greeting
- "Even our finest soldiers cower before a Dragon's might. We must prepare for the beasts, and quickly." – General greeting
- "Greetings. You are the ally of Abnur Tharn, yes? Zahari has been tasked by the Northern Elsweyr Defense Force to seek ways to prepare to safeguard the Dragon threat. Perhaps you would be willing to aid us?" – When spoken to for the first time
- "If we are to resist these Dragons, we must work swiftly. For the good of all Elsweyr." – General greeting
- "Is Zahari expected to train all these recruits by herself?" – When a Demonstration quest is available
- "Is this scroll truly worth it? By Jone and Jode." – When a Dragon Lore quest is available
- "Khajiit are nothing if not adaptable. We won't merely turn tail and run from this Dragon threat. But first, we must prepare for the fight ahead." – General greeting
- "More and more recruits come, but how can we train them?" – When a Demonstration quest is available
- "To fight Dragons, we must first fight Daedra, of course!" – When "Dark Souls, Mighty Weapons" is available
- "What is this one to do with unblooded recruits." – When a Demonstration quest is available
- "Zahari always thought of Dragons as nothing more than monsters in a moon-singer's story. Now they have suddenly come to life, leaving death and destruction in their wake. We must prepare." – General greeting