Zara is a powerful Khajiit warrior and the current champion of The Swordmaster Division at the Thizzrini Arena.
A Foot in the Door[]
Zara is responsible for giving out credentials for the Swordmaster division.
The Swordmaster Division[]
Zara will handle the Vestige's trials, and will serve as the final boss.
- A Foot in the Door
When first talking to her:
"Hello my lovely. This is quite the year for talent, as well as beauty."
- I'd like to get credentials for the Swordmaster division. "But will your skill with a blade tickle my whiskers or raise my hackles, I wonder? You are so very lovely, Zara wishes she could give you the credentials based on looks alone, but that witch Feluni capped the number of combatants in each division."
- What do I need to do? "Why, draw your steel and dance with one of the other lovelies in camp. Defeat them in a sparring match, you see? You'll get your credentials then, lovely. Oh yes."
- I'm ready to fight.
- What do I need to do? "Why, draw your steel and dance with one of the other lovelies in camp. Defeat them in a sparring match, you see? You'll get your credentials then, lovely. Oh yes."
After defeating one of her combatants:
"You're full of surprises, lovely. And aren't you the strong one?"
- I defeated your combatant. "The smell of victory is all over you! It makes my back arch, but in a good way."
- Do I get the Swordmaster credentials? "At the very least. Ooo. That kind of strength … the power in your sword arm, it makes me want to groom myself. Keep fighting like that lovely, and you'll get a lot more than credentials."
- The Swordmaster Division
When first speaking with her:
"Welcome back, my lovely! Zara wondered when you would return. She missed you terribly. The other contenders should thank Jone and Jode that championships are not won by physical attraction. Your sleekness would best them all."
- I'm ready to compete in the Swordmaster Division Championships. "Patience, my lovely. First you must enter the qualifying rounds and defeat all three contenders. Only then will the main arena crowds be able to feast their eyes upon your dazzling smile."
- Where can I find the contenders? "Why, in the Swordmaster Arena, my lovely. Their blades cry out for your tender flesh. Defeat them and you will have your chance at the championship."
- I'm ready.
- Where can I find the contenders? "Why, in the Swordmaster Arena, my lovely. Their blades cry out for your tender flesh. Defeat them and you will have your chance at the championship."
After fighting your way through the qualifying rounds:
"You still breathe, and your lovely face is intact. Zara is very pleased. And yet, she is also sad."
- Why are you sad? "Because, my lovely, now you will fight in the main arena and Zara will have to slice your lovely face herself."
- We'll see about that. "Oh yes, my lovely. We shall, indeed."
- The Swordmaster Division
Ishalga: "Zara, my dear. Allow me to make our friend a little easier to kill!" Zara: "Ishalga, my lovely! You honor me!"