Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see ZombieMixnMatch.

This variant of ZombieMixnMatch03 is an undead test creature in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion that does not appear in-game and can only be located using console commands.


This specific variant of ZombieMixnMatch03 can only be found in Grant's Farmhouse Interior Test. (or "TestFarmHouse03" as shown to be the Editor ID for this location)


  • Although it shares the same name, in the construction set for the game, it shows that this variant of ZombieMixnMatch03 was intended for the test cell called "Grant's Farmhouse Interior Test" (or "TestFarmHouse03") while the original version was never placed in any test cells at all.
  • This creature will not attack the Hero and will continuously walk around unless their weapon is drawn.
  • This creature, after death, can be found to be carrying no mort flesh when searching its inventory, unlike the typical zombies found within the game that will always carry mort flesh in their inventories along with one or more occasional miscellaneous items like gold and bones that, by random chance, can be found in a zombie's inventory.
  • Unlike most other zombies, this is the only one that deals 1 point of damage to health for every attack.
  • This variant of zombie in the list of zombies with "ZombieMixnMatch" as part of their name is the only one of its kind to have a Fatigue of anything other than zero and is also the only one of its kind to have a place within a test cell, or to even have part of its Editor ID to be named after the test cell that it was placed in.

