Race may refer to the following races by game:
- Races (Arena)
- Races (Daggerfall)
- Races (Battlespire)
- Races (Morrowind)
- Races (Shadowkey)
- Races (Oblivion)
- 種族(天際)
- Races (Online)
- Races (Legends)
- Races (Blades)
Race may refer to the following races by etymology:
- Men
- Mer
- Beastfolk
Race may refer to the ten races of Tamriel:
- Altmer
- Argonian
- Bosmer
- Breton
- Dunmer
- Imperial
- Khajiit
- Nords
- Orsimer
- Redguards
Race may refer to the other races on Nirn:
- Akaviri
- Aldmer
- Atmoran
- Ayleid
- Chimer
- Dwemer
- Falmer (Snow Elves)
- Giant
- Goblin
- Imga
- Kothringi
- Lilmothiit
- Maormer
- Nymphs
- Reachmen
- Riekling
- Sinistral Elves
- Sload
- Tsaesci