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设定信息[ | ]
种族[ | ]
- 亚龙人是黑沼泽省的爬虫类原住民。
- 布莱顿人是高岩省的原住民。那里有着泰姆瑞尔大陆已知最古老的建筑物——坚钢塔,别名蒂兰尼塔。
- 暗精灵,也叫丹莫,是晨风的原住民——许多人认为这片土地处于异国而荒凉。
- 红山坐落在丹莫省份晨风的中心,它是泰姆瑞尔大陆最大的火山。
- 高精灵,也叫傲特莫,是夏暮岛的原住民。一片神秘的古老土地。
- 帝国人是赛瑞迪尔省——帝国的核心地带的原住民。
- 虎人是艾斯维尔的猫科原住民。以生产可以加工成 斯库玛的月糖而臭名昭著。
- 天际是诺德人的家乡,英勇而无畏的人民,他们更重视在战斗中的荣誉和才能。
- 兽人,也叫奥斯莫, 是奥辛纽姆的原住民,落锤和天际之间的山地王国。已经分分合合许多次了。
- 红卫人是落锤省的原住民。他们的城市坐落在阿利克尔沙漠附近。
- “相传诺德人是古时从阿特莫拉移居至泰姆瑞尔的。”——佚名,帝国便携指南
- 木精灵,也叫波斯莫,是威木的原住民。这个丛林国度是那些巨型迁徙树木的故乡。
通常设定[ | ]
- “幸存者们传承了最好的技术。”——歌丹真治,第一纪490年。
- “在这段时间里,也出现了所有泰姆瑞尔中最有传奇色彩的人物之一,伊斯格拉莫,迄今为止的所有诺德国王都是他的后裔。”——佚名,帝国便携指南
- “天际,也叫旧王宫或故土,是泰姆瑞尔第一个有人类定居的地方……”——佚名,泰姆瑞尔各行省
- 泰伯·赛普汀于第二纪896年为泰姆瑞尔带来了和平,征服了已知的所有土地。随后便开启了第三纪元。
- 第三纪121年,当尤里尔三世和他母亲波特玛女王一起夺取王位时,红钻之战开始。于第三纪127年他们在独孤城围攻失败后结束。
- 佩拉吉奥斯三世,也叫疯子佩拉吉奥斯,在第三纪145年登上帝国王座前曾是独孤城领主。
- 在第三纪元389年,皇帝尤利尔七世被帝国战斗法师贾加·萨恩监禁了数年之久。
- 200年前。马丁·塞普汀以自我牺牲的方式解决湮灭危机,拯救了世界并开启第四纪元。
- 卷轴曾经预言,寒冬中出现的黑翼,当兄弟开始互相残杀!奥杜因,众王的煞星,被解脱的黑暗之影,与它那吞食天地的妄想!——龙裔之歌。
- 传说最高阶的龙祭司们拥有魔法面具,一种用来抗拒时间法则的神奇,可谓穿戴者带来强大的力量。
- 整个泰姆瑞尔最高的山是天际的世界之喉。隐居的灰胡子住在靠近顶峰的地方,高吼峰古老的修道院里。
- 高吼峰的灰胡子追随着约根·唤风的指导,他相信吼声之力是获得启示的手段。
- 天际省有九大领地:东陲领、佛克瑞斯领、海芬加领、希雅陲领、苍原领、边塞领、裂痕领、白漫领以及冬堡领。
- 九个领地中的每一个都分别被领主统治,领主高度独立,但他们要向天际的至高王宣誓效忠。
- 当至高王过世后,天际的领主们将召集领地代表大会以甄选新的至高王。
- 天际最出名的英雄是泰伯·赛普汀, 曾经统治整个泰姆瑞尔,开启了帝国的赛普汀王朝。
- “夜母,亲爱的夜母啊,请把你的孩子派遣来吧,那些罪人的恶行要用鲜血与恐惧才能救赎。”——黑暗兄弟会的黑色圣礼祷词
- 诺德人相信荣耀的死者将永远居于松加德。
最近事件[ | ]
- 天际陷入了反抗军风暴斗篷和帝国军团士兵之间的血腥内战。
- 高精灵先祖神州的代表,也就是梭默。他们在天际有个大使馆,并暗中抓捕并关押所有质疑他们的学说或信仰的诺德人。
- 当一头龙使用诸如火焰或寒霜的龙息攻击时,其实是在说着一种古老而强大的语言。因此两头龙之间的战斗实际上可以说是一种致命的“唇枪舌战”。
- 天际正动荡不安,因为风暴斗篷认为诺德人的生活方式受到威胁,而帝国人认为天际是帝国的一部分,并且必须遵守其法律和习俗。
- 天际传说有一个英雄,也就是龙裔,拥有凡人的身体和龙的灵魂,命中注定要摧毁邪恶的龙奥杜因。
- “碧空中坠落的巨龙,下颌吐出刺骨寒风,行走的冬之灾祸已然降临,戴着锯齿王冠的至高王。”——古诺德诗句
- 天际的至高王托雷格,最近刚被乌弗瑞克·风暴斗篷杀死,他使用了吐姆的古老力量,一声吼便把托雷格震成了碎片。
- 尽管他们后来成为了泰姆瑞尔皇帝的专属护卫,刀锋战士仍以屠龙者而闻名。
- 刀锋战士早已解散,而组织剩下的成员已经藏起来了。皇帝现在被一支特别的力量保护者——洞察之眼。
- 许多天际的诺德人对所有精灵种族都心怀怨恨,因为双方在历史上曾多次交战。浩大战争是结束了,但战争幸存者们心中的憎恨还久久不能抹去……
- 通过签署称为白金协定的和平条约,帝国才幸免于高精灵先祖神州的袭击,由此结束了浩大战争。
- 厄尔坦德的巨大雕像是雪精灵唯一已知的视觉表现,几个世纪以前,地下奴隶制使这个种族变成了邪恶的伐莫。
- 拉布林西安迷宫由大法师沙利多于第一纪元建造,尽管废墟本身要更为古老。
- 商队有时会经过拉布林西安废墟,但通常会选择更安全的远路。
圣灵信息[ | ]
- 阿卡托什是时间之神,九圣灵中的主神。他被描绘成一条龙,并在湮灭危机中以这个形态与梅鲁涅斯·大衮战斗。
- 阿尔凯是埋葬与葬礼之神。他的祭司致力于清除不死生物和死灵法术。天际省的每一座城市都有他的亡者之厅。
- 蒂贝拉是美的女神。她的神殿位于马卡斯城,专门为女性开放。
- 尤里安诺斯是智慧和逻辑之神。他通常与魔法有关,备受许多法师尊敬。他的祭坛位于独孤城的圣灵神殿。
- 凯娜瑞丝是大气、风和天空女神。她的神殿位于白漫城。
- 玛拉是爱与同情的女神。她在裂谷城有神庙。
- 斯丹达尔是大能和仁慈宽容之义的神。他在独孤城的圣灵神殿有座祭坛。
- 塔洛斯是人类中的英雄之神。近年来帝国取缔了对塔洛斯的信仰,但是这阻止不了天际省诺德人对他的崇拜之情。
- 泽尼萨尔是工作和贸易之神。他的祭坛位于独孤城的圣灵神殿里。
魔神信息[ | ]
- 魔侯是具有神性的生物,居住在湮灭位面。大多数被认为是邪恶的,他们强迫信徒在远离文明的地方建造祭坛。
- “各方英雄都追寻着具有强大魔法效果的魔族神器”——哥特冯特的哈达鲁斯,当代异教徒
- 神器沃伦鲁德,又叫力量之锤,在已被遗忘的年代由古锻莫打造。
- 阿祖拉是黄昏和晨曦的魔侯,也是少数几个被认为并不完全是邪恶的魔侯之一。
- 勃耶西亚是欺骗、阴谋和谋杀的魔侯。许多暗精灵认为这是他们的祖先神明。
- 卡拉威库斯·维尔是力量魔侯。他喜欢以诱人的契约来诱惑凡人……而后者往往很快就会为自己的决定感到后悔。
- 赫麦尤斯·莫拉是命运、知识和记忆的魔侯。和凡人接触时,他喜欢以一堆怪诞的触角为形貌示人。
- 魔侯海尔辛也被称为王子的猎人和万兽之父。他可以呼唤野外狩猎来惩罚那些违抗他的人。
- 玛拉凯斯是诅咒和遗弃的魔侯。许多兽人把他当作神王来崇拜。
- 梅鲁涅斯·大衮是毁灭、变革和野心的魔侯。他引发了湮灭危机,并曾尝试以自己可怕的真身入侵泰姆瑞尔。
- 梅法拉是谎言、秘密和阴谋的魔侯……而且非常喜欢插手凡人的事务。
- 美瑞蒂亚敌视任何形式的不死生物,并且是少数几个不被视为完全邪恶的魔侯之一。
- 娜米拉是黑暗与憎恶的魔侯,而且常常与疾病、蜘蛛、昆虫、蠕虫和其他令人厌恶的生物联系到一起。
- 诺克图娜尔是隐匿与阴影的魔侯,也是盗贼的守护神。
- 魄伊特是使命、秩序和疾病的魔侯。他被认为是所有魔侯中最弱的,虽然他的形象是一只巨龙。
- 桑吉恩是享乐和放荡的魔侯。他比其他的魔侯对凡人事务更感兴趣。
- 谢尔格拉是疯狂的魔侯。他的行为完全不可预知,可能会阻碍或者帮助那些不幸遇到他的凡人们。
- 瓦尔迷娜是梦境、梦魇与邪恶预兆的魔侯。
生物信息[ | ]
- 天际省的荒野中存在着许多种熊。它们是很可怕的生物,但大多数时候除非它们被激怒,否则不会主动攻击别人。
- The wilds of天际are teeming with 鹿. They are docile creatures, but serve as food for much of the province's more savage beasts.
- 天际的大多数狗are domesticated, and serve as faithful companions to their诺德主人。
- 牛是天际省最常见的家畜,为当地的诺德人提供了肉、奶和毛皮。
- 天际的Horkers are often hunted for their tusks and meat.
- 天际的马are hardy and strong, and make up for in endurance what they lack in speed.
- Horses and horse-drawn carriages are common means of transportation in Skyrim. Both can handle the harsh terrain with ease.
- 大多数天际的诺德人都认为巨龙不过是传说而已。当然现在很多人不再这么认为了。
- 龙曾经试图消灭或奴役人类。如果给它们机会,它们肯定会再次这么做的……
- In days of old, when dragons ruled the earth, there lived mortal men who worshipped the beasts as gods. These 龙祭祀 are long since dead... but something has awoken them from their ancient slumber.
- 虽然所有的龙都很可怕,但其中一部分却比其他的要来的更强大。白龙和青铜龙通常比棕龙和绿龙强大得多。
- Woe to the unwary explorer who delves deep into the burial crypts of the ancient Nords, and disturbs the Draugr that dwell within.
- No one is quite sure why the Draugr walk the halls of Skyrim's burial crypts, but some believe they once served the dragons ages ago... and have been cursed with undeath for their treachery.
- 伐莫族是住在天际省地底深处的扭曲、邪恶的生物。他们只有一个目的——摧毁地表世界以及居住在其上的任何生物。
- Scholars assume that generations of living underground rendered the Falmer blind. Over time their other senses have become more acute as a result.†
- Years of living underground have rendered the Falmer blind, but their other senses have become more acute as a result.
- Those venturing in Skyrim's deepest underground reaches should be wary of the Chaurus, a giant insect that spits poison and bites with its razor-sharp mandibles.
- 霜噬蜘蛛 is one of Skyrim's most fearsome and loathed native creatures. It will attack anyone relentlessly with both poison and fangs, and is as deadly as the affliction for which it was named.
- Few creatures match the cunning, depravity and repulsiveness of the Hagravens. A terrible conjoining of woman and bird, they will take through savagery what they cannot win through guile.
- 乌鸦鬼婆的利爪爪近战时固然致命,但它们在远程时施放的毁灭系法术更具挑战。
- Mammoths are a common sight in the tundra of Skyrim, and are often herded by the Giants that also call that region home. They are generally peaceful creatures, unless provoked.
- The common Mudcrab can be found by the northern shoreline or along the banks of any lakes or rivers. When not moving, it is easy to mistake for a rock, and uses this natural camouflage to ambush unwary prey.
- 天际的Sabre Catis a giant, ferocious predator, and will often ambush travelers who stray too far from the roads, and into the wilds.
- Giants are generally peaceful creatures, so long as potential threats keep their distance... and leave their mammoths unharmed.
- 恶鼠是一种大型鼠类生物,会在洞穴、下水道和地下筑巢。虽然易于捕杀,成群起来也是不小的挑战,还会传染疾病。
- 在天际省最黑暗的角落里,那些活人不敢涉足的地方,有死者的骸骨蹒跚而行。这些骷髅不会感到痛苦或自责……因此无须怜悯它们。
- Many of Skyrim's waterways are home to Slaughterfish, whose razor-sharp teeth have claimed the lives of many careless swimmers.
- 人们对神秘的树精所知甚少,只知道他们热爱天际省的森林地带,并且会用他们的生命来保卫那些区域,
- 天际的霜巨魔是同类中最可怕的亚种,居住在该省份最寒冷的地区。
- 巨魔受伤时会恢复生命,但是对火焰特别脆弱。
- 天际省到处都可以发现巨魔,包括地底和荒野。
- 天际的狼are feral, savage beasts, and hunt in packs to take down any prey available... be it animal or man.
- When a Chaurus reaches the end of its life, its body undergoes a dramatic transformation. After days of deathlike stillness, the Chaurus Hunter bursts free from the husk of the Chaurus.†
- 石像鬼 are magical creatures that can form a stony skin when stationary, making it easy to mistake them for a statue. Their claws are able to absorb health from their victims.†
- Death Hounds are used as guardians by vampires. How they came to be is unknown, but their bite is as cold as the grave.†
- 庄严巨龙与传说巨龙都比远古巨龙要来得致命。它们会使用龙吼来降低目标的生命力、法力跟精力。†
- 暮光守卫在对抗吸血鬼的时候会派出穿上护甲的巨魔。†
吸血鬼信息[ | ]
- As a 吸血鬼大君, the inventory button will bring up吸血鬼大君技能点树。技能点 are earned by killing enemies with the Drain Life spell, or with the bite attack in melee mode.†
- 吸血鬼领主在地面走动的时候会使用近战攻击。当他漂浮在空中时,会使用魔法攻击。按下潜行按钮来变化模式。†
- 吸血鬼领主初期可以使用右手来施展强大的抽离生命法术,左手可以施展复活尸体法术。特殊能力按钮可以将他转化成一群蝙蝠,并且在远处重新现身。†
- 吸血鬼领主的额外能力必须透过抽离生命法术或是近战模式下的啃咬攻击成功击杀敌人来取得,每一个额外能力都要求比前一个额外能力更多的进食。†
- 变成吸血鬼后,只要不进食,你的力量会每天增长。阳光会减损或甚至完全抵消你恢复生命力、法力与精力的能力。吸食一名睡着或是被你魅惑的目标的血,能够降低太阳的伤害。†
- 弗基哈尔城堡内随时畜养人类供吸血鬼啃食。吸血虽然会降低太阳的伤害,但是也会减弱你的吸血鬼特殊能力。†
- 吸血鬼可以透过吸血鬼的魅惑特殊能力来啃食非战斗中的人物,就算他们是醒着的。吸血虽然会降低太阳的伤害,但是也会减弱你的吸血鬼特殊能力。†
- 身为吸血鬼,人们也许会评论你的独特外表,但是他们不会像遇到狼人一样攻击你或是躲避你。†
狼人信息[ | ]
- Those with the blood of a werewolf can never gain resting bonuses from sleeping.
- There are those who believe that when night descends upon Skyrim, 狼人 descend upon the unwary...
- Werewolf perks are earned by eating fresh corpses. Nothing is gained by eating the bodies of the undead. Each perk takes more feedings to earn than the previous one.†
- As a werewolf, the inventory button will bring up the werewolf perk tree. Perks are earned by eating corpses.†
矮人信息[ | ]
- Many Steam 锻莫傀儡 remain active, making the exploration of dwarven ruins a dangerous prospect.
- The dwarves were actually a race of elves known as the 锻莫, which roughly translates to "deep elves."
- "But our brethren, the Dwemer, scorned the Daedra, and mocked our foolish rituals, and preferred instead their gods of Reason and Logic." - Vivec
- 因为有着隐秘的陷阱和危险的机械,探索矮人遗迹非常危险,更别说遗迹里更为凶残的“常住居民”了。
- What the Dwarven Sphere lacks in strength it makes up for in speed and mobility, as it patrols the halls of the Dwemer ruins it still protects.
- Of all the automatons left behind by the ancient Dwemer, the Dwarven Centurions are among the most technologically impressive... and deadly. They guard Dwemer ruins as if their masters still walked the halls.
- 得益于先进的魔法和技术,消失很久的古代锻莫族制造了很多至今仍在运作的设备和自动机械。矮人蜘蛛就是一个例子。
阵营信息[ | ]
- 冬堡学院是一个独立的组织,所以并未受到第四纪元初法师公会分崩离析的影响。
- Once a source of pride for the people of 风舵城, the College is now shunned and feared.
- 冬堡大多数土地都在第四纪元122年的大塌陷时被海水吞没了,但是学院却很诡异地什么事情都没有。
- While the mages of the College of Winterhold gladly share knowledge amongst themselves, they do not offer most services to the rest of Skyrim.
- 战友团的历史可以追溯至他们的祖先——伊斯格拉谟的五百英豪战友团。而伊斯格拉谟就是那个领导着第一群到达天际的人类,并最后让他们将版图拓展到全泰姆瑞尔大陆的人。who led the first humans to Skyrim and eventually settled all of Tamriel.
- Among the Companions' most treasured artifacts are the fragments of Wuuthrad, the axe that Ysgramor himself wielded when leading the Five Hundred.
- 克拉科·白鬃是战友团的先驱者。他不发布命令,但在勇士之家和九大领地境内,他的话都备受重视。
- 圆环是战友团中最受信任和技巧纯熟的战士组成的小组。
- 没人知道用来制造战友团武器的天空熔炉是谁建造的。它的发现造就了今天我们所知道的勇士之家和战友团。
- Those interested in learning more about magic may consider joining the College of Winterhold.
- 泰姆瑞尔大陆的战士公会在天际省没有分部。那些追求冒险和归属感的战士们会加入白漫城的战友团。
- 盗贼公会在裂谷城有极大的影响力,众人皆知他们会招募那些在潜行技艺方面有特殊才能的人。
- It is said that the only way to join the 黑暗兄弟会 is to be contacted directly, and the shadowy group of assassins is very selective in its recruiting...
- The 圣所 in Skyrim's Pine Forest is the Dark Brotherhood's last remaining refuge in all of Tamriel.
- The Dark Brotherhood was once bound by a set of rules called the Five Tenets, but they have long since been abandoned.
- 阿斯垂德现在是黑暗兄弟会圣所的领袖,她的一言一语即是准则。
- The Dark Brotherhood was once greatly feared and respected, but the organization is now but a shadow of its former self.
- Mortals often represent 西蒂斯 as a skeletal being, to signify His relationship to death. In truth, the Dread Lord is formless, and infinite as the Void.
- A Dark Brotherhood assassin practices the art of murder, and must be willing to pay for that crime... with gold, a jail sentence, or even more bloodshed.
- Those wishing to contact the Dark Brotherhood for an assassination must perform the 黑暗仪式, an ancient and taboo ritual.
- 晨星城的黑暗兄弟会圣所现在是个古老的废墟,its ominous 黑门 feared and avoided by the city's residents.
- It is said that rumors of黑暗兄弟会的demise may have been premature, as members of the shadowy organization have been sighted near晨星城……
- So long as there is a 聆听者 to hear the 夜母的 voice,黑暗兄弟会will endure...
立石信息[ | ]
- 同一时间你只能拥有一个立石的祝福。如果你接受了一个新的,就会取代掉旧的祝福效果。
- 学徒之石 ability doubles your法力and regeneration speed, but makes you twice as susceptible to spells.
- 元素之石使你可以吸收敌人的法术来恢复法力,但会使你的法力恢复速度减慢。
- 爱人之石 ability lets you learn all skills a little faster, but not as much as the Thief, Warrior or Mage Stones.
- 法师之石能使你更快速地学习魔法类技能。
- 仪式之石使你可以每天暂时复活附近的尸体为你作战一次。
- 巨蛇之石 power lets you paralyze and poison a target once a day.
- 暗影之石 power lets you become invisible once a day.
- 骏马之石赋予你更高的负重力,且移动速度不会受到护甲影响而减慢。
- 盗贼之石 ability lets you learn stealth skills more quickly.
- 战士之石 ability lets you learn combat skills more quickly.
- 女士之石可暂时加快生命和法力恢复速度。
种族天赋信息[ | ]
- 亚龙人can breathe underwater and are 50% resistant to diseases. Their Histskin power allows them to regenerate health quickly, for a short time.
- 布莱顿人的血脉带给他们50%的魔法抗性。布莱顿人可以使用特殊能力“龙肤”,在短时间内吸收敌对法术以恢复法力。
- 暗精灵blood grants 50% resistance to fire. They can use 先祖之怒 to cloak themselves in fire, for a short time.
- 高等精灵天生便拥有额外的法力值。他们可以使用特殊能力“高贵血统”,在短时间内快速恢复法力。
- 帝国人are natives of Cyrodiil, the cosmopolitan heartland of the Empire. Once a day, they can use the 帝国之声 power to calm an angry opponent for a short while.
- 虎人have deadly claws that can be used in unarmed combat. They can use 夜视 to see better in the dark.
- 诺德人are 50% resistant to cold damage. They can use Battle Cry to make their enemies flee, for a short time.
- 兽人can use Berserk to do double damage while only taking half damage, for a short time.
- 红卫人are 50% resistant to poison. They can use Adrenaline Rush to regenerate Stamina quickly, for a short time.
- 木精灵对疾病和毒素有50%的抗性。他们可以使用命令动物的特殊能力,使一只动物在短时间内成为他们的盟友。
城市信息[ | ]
晨星城[ | ]
- 晨星城是苍原领的首都,以其丰富的矿藏和港口而闻名。
- The Tower of Dawn sits on a mountain overlooking Dawnstar. It is rumored to be cursed.
Falkreath[ | ]
- Falkreath has been the site of many battles throughout history. The town's graveyard holds the remains of many Nord warriors who fell in those battles.
- The Jarl of Falkreath is Siddgeir. Among the youngest of the Jarls in Skyrim, Siddgeir took the place of the former Jarl, his uncle Dengeir.
- Like many of Skyrim's woodland settlements, Falkreath's economy is heavily reliant on the production of lumber.
- Playing upon the historical significance of their town's graveyard, the merchants of Falkreath have adopted names for their businesses that reflect themes of death and mortality.
马卡斯城[ | ]
- 马卡斯城 is built on the foundations of an ancient dwarven city.
- The Nords first conquered Markarth from the native people of the Reach thousands of years ago.
- 马卡斯城的穷人们住在贫民窟,他们几乎都是边塞领的原住民。
- 20年前在马卡斯城发生了一起本地人起义活动,但随即遭到镇压。其中的幸存者后来被称为弃誓者。
- “岩石之城未曾改变……”——阿曼达·艾丽雅,《一个佣兵的马卡斯城指南》
- "Blood and silver are what flows through Markarth...." - popular saying.
Morthal[ | ]
- Morthal is said to be named after the great Nord hero Morihaus, though none alive today are sure of the connection.
- Morthal's small population and relatively remote location have kept it distant from most major conflicts in recent years.
裂谷城[ | ]
- 裂谷城的黑棘是天际省最有影响力和势力的家族。
- The canal that spans the length of裂谷城was once a major thoroughfare for merchants and fishermen, but it now sits neglected and stagnant.
- 裂谷城是个恶名昭彰的地方,主要是因为盗贼公会就坐落于此城的下水道中。
- 裂谷城是黑棘酒庄的根据地,他们是同行中最大和最成功的企业。
独孤城[ | ]
- 独孤城是帝国王权在天际省的中心,同时也是吟游诗人学院的所在地。
- 图留斯将军在阴郁堡的石墙后面号令帝国军队,独孤城的领主艾利西弗则居住在蓝宫内。
- 独孤城 is a major shipping port and important Imperial supply line.
- 独孤城坐落在一处天然的拱形岩壁上,提供它的港口更多保护以抵抗鬼魂之海的强风袭击。
- 独孤城has traditionally had strong ties to the 帝国, and many of the city's 领主 were connected to the Septim bloodline.
- “I am the Queen of Solitude, daughter of the Emperor! Summon the daedra! I'll trade the soul of every last subject of mine for a little comfort.”——波特玛女王,第三纪97年
- “佩拉吉奥斯三世,有时亦称为疯子佩拉吉奥斯,在第三纪第145年正式称帝。”——斯托纳克·卡托节三世《帝国简史,卷二》
- Most of the shipping in Solitude is run by the Imperial-financed 东帝国公司。
白漫城[ | ]
- 白漫城的中心地理位置使它成为天际省的商业中心。
- 白漫城的平原区是商店和市场的所在地,和风区中则大多数是住宅。领主的宫殿,龙临堡,俯瞰着云顶区。
- 龙临堡earned its name when古代诺德英雄独眼奥拉夫 imprisoned his foe, the great dragon Numinex, within the palace.
- The large tree in白漫城的Wind District is called the Gildergreen, and is considered sacred by worshippers of 凯娜瑞丝.
- 白漫城是围绕着勇士之家建造的。那是传奇的战士组织——战友团的蜜酒之厅。
风舵城[ | ]
- 风舵城 is the oldest city in Skyrim and may be the oldest human city on the continent.
- 风舵城的领主,乌弗瑞克,宣布自行加冕为天际省至高王,并领导着反抗军对抗帝国。
- 一系列的谋杀案让风舵城的居民对他们的生命安全感到很不安……
- 风舵城的Snow Quarter has been renamed the "Gray Quarter," in reference to the 暗精灵 who have made that district their home.
- Although much of天际is cold and unforgiving,风舵城is the snowiest city in the province.
冬堡[ | ]
- 虽然曾经是天际的首都,但冬堡在最近数百年来已被遗弃。
- 诺德人驱逐了冬堡中为数众多的暗精灵,仅仅是因为他们认为暗精灵操弄着邪恶的魔法。
游玩信息[ | ]
战斗[ | ]
- 成功的强攻击能打破对手的格挡,造成对手失衡。
- 成功的强攻击有机会使那些未进行格挡的对手失衡。
- 穿着重甲或者使用重型武器会拖慢你的速度。
- You move more slowly with your weapon drawn.
- To get the maximum range and damage with a 弓, hold down Attack until the bow is fully drawn.
- 盾击会使一个敌人失衡。如果在适当的时机,它还可以打断一个强攻击。
- Blocking with a shield or weapon will recoil an attack, and stagger the attacker.
- Attacks can be blocked with either a shield or a weapon, but shields are much more effective.
- 战斗中要使用恢复耐力或法力的药水,to increase the number of available spells and power attacks.
- 在移动时按住攻击按钮会改为施展强攻击。随移动方向不同,会使出不同的强攻击。
- 强攻击会打破处于防御状态的对手的防御,且攻击者不会失衡。
- A power attack might stagger an opponent, preventing him from immediately counteracting.
- Any attacks done while both sneaking and undetected will do extra damage.
- 强攻击会消耗耐力。If the Stamina bar is flashing, any attempted power attack becomes a regular attack instead.
- A readied arrow will be put back into its quiver if the bow is sheathed.
- 剑挥舞起来比战斧更快,而战斧挥舞起来则比战锤更快。
- A greatsword swings faster than a battleaxe, and a battleaxe swings faster than a warhammer.
- 双手武器do more damage than 单手武器,but don't block as effectively.
- 重甲吸收的伤害更多,但是比轻甲更重。
- 附魔武器lose power with each successful hit,但可以通过填满的灵魂石填充能量。
- Any poison applied to an equipped weapon will be used on the next hit.
- Successfully bashing with either a shield or weapon will always stagger an opponent.
- Combat difficulty can be modified at any time - even in the middle of battle - in the Gameplay section of the Settings screen.
- 双持武器有着两倍的近战伤害输出潜力……但是却无法进行任何形式的格挡。
- Any inventory item marked with a small arrow indicates it is probably more effective than what you currently have equipped.
- 暮光守卫使用的石弩可以造成石破天惊的一击。但是重新装填的速度很慢。†
- 箭与弩箭 can be created at smithing forges.†
技能[ | ]
- 技能需透过使用来提升:武器技能会在击中敌人时提升。潜行技能会在成功潜行时提升。法术类技能会在施法时提升。
- Combat-based magic only improves when used against valid opponents.
- 炼金术技能将会影响药水和毒药的制作与其效力。
- 服用材料 to learn its properties and slightly raise炼金技能。
- 变化系学派专注于操控物质世界,并用来施放水下呼吸、魔法护甲和魔光术等法术。
- 箭术技能improves the use of bows and arrows. 技能等级越高,射出的箭就越致命。
- 格挡技能reduces the damage and stagger from physical attacks when blocking with either a shield or weapon.
- 召唤系学派是专门用于复活死尸,从湮灭召唤生物和困住在战斗中死去的对手的灵魂的
- 毁灭系学派 focuses on the mastery of fire, frost and shock, and is used to cast spells like 火球术、冰锥术和闪电箭。
- 附魔技能越高,the stronger the magic that can be bound to weapons and armor.
- Those trained to use 重甲 make more effective use of 铁、Steel、矮人、兽人、黑檀和Daedric armors.
- 幻术系学派 focuses on the manipulation of an enemy's mind, and is used to cast spells like Fear, Charm and Invisibility.
- 轻甲技能allows for more effective use of 皮、革、精灵和玻璃岩护甲。
- 开锁技能is used to open locked doors and containers faster and with fewer broken lockpicks.
- 单手技能提高像匕首、剑、钉锤、战斧等武器的使用能力。
- 扒窃技能is used to take things from an unsuspecting target's pockets... and not get caught in the process.
- 恢复系学派 focuses on the mastery over life forces, and is used to cast spells like Healing, Turn Undead, and Lesser Ward.
- 铁匠技能可以让人将原料制成武器和护甲,或者强化非魔法武器和护甲。
- 潜行技能makes it more difficult to be detected, which in turn allows for deadly stealth attacks.
- 口才技能is used to get better prices from merchants and persuade, intimidate, or even bribe others.
- 双手武器技能决定了挥舞巨剑、巨斧和巨锤作战时的效率。
犯罪[ | ]
- 一个领地卫兵会为了高额赏金而攻击视野内的悬赏目标。
- Each Hold tracks its crime separately. A wanted criminal in Whiterun might have no bounty in Solitude, and so on.
- 在监狱服刑会导致一些技能为了升至下一级所累积的经验遗失。服刑时间越长,受到影响的技能种类越多。
- 当卫兵的攻击目标收起武器时,他可能会停止战斗。但是即使如此,卫兵仍会试图逮捕他的目标。
- 潜行时刻对某人按下启动钮来偷窃。检视他们的物品栏不会触犯法律——但一旦偷取任何物品便构成犯罪。
制造[ | ]
- 炼金设备可以用来混合原料,制作有益的药水和致命的毒药。
- 法师们利用附魔台来为武器和护甲附魔。
- An Arcane Enchanter can be used to learn new 附魔 from weapons and armor, but any item experimented on is destroyed in the process.
- Look for 熔炉 and Grindstones in the world. You can use them to make new weapons and armor, and improve what you already have.
- Weapons can be improved at a Grindstone. Armor can be improved at a 铁匠的桌子。
- 你可以在锻炉升级武器和护甲,不管其材料种类、你的铁匠技能与额外能力状况如何。然而,拥有某些铁匠技能的额外能力可以提升升级的效果。
- You can make 龙骨武器 at a forge that are more deadly than 魔族武器,但也更重。
魔法[ | ]
- 法力用于施法。你的法力越高,能够施展的法术越多。
- All currently active magic effects, including diseases and armor enchantments, are shown in the Magic inventory, under "Active Effects."
- 法师护甲技能点make defensive spells more effective for anyone wearing clothes instead of armor.
- 斗篷法术可以让施法者身披危险的灵气,伤害任何靠得太近的目标。
- Enemies are displayed onscreen differently than friends when you cast 侦查生物或侦查不死.
- 火焰攻击在攻击后将烧伤目标一段时间并造成额外伤害,对所有敌人都相当有效。
- 寒霜攻击在造成伤害的同时也会消耗目标的精力并使他们缓速。用它来阻止敌人使用强攻击。
- Rune spells create magical traps, but only on surfaces close to the caster.
- In addition to doing regular damage, Shock spells also deplete the target's Magicka. They're particularly useful against wizards.
- Cast 灵魂禁锢 on an enemy during combat, and his soul will be captured in one of your empty soul gems, when he dies.
- A Magic Wall spell creates a barrier that hurts anything that moves through it.
- A magical Ward protects the caster from offensive spells, but takes a few seconds to charge up to full power.
- The charge level of a staff is based on the corresponding skill of the mage wielding it. For example, a wizard with a high Destruction skill would get a lot of uses from a staff of Fireball.
- When you obtain a spell book, you need to read it to learn the spell, which destroys the book in the process.
- 你可以从领主宫殿的宫廷法师处购买法术书。
- 放下双手可以取消准备施放的魔法。
- 施放法术所消耗的法力会随着技能等级的提升和选择相应的额外能力而降低。
- When casting spells, wait for the spell to be ready before releasing the control. The spell is cast when you release.
龙吼[ | ]
- After you use a 龙吼 power, the compass outline will glow brightly. It fades from the center, indicating the time until you can Shout again.
- The longer you hold down the Powers button, the more powerful your Shout.
- 你可以为一种龙吼学习三个力量之语。每个力量之语都能增强你的龙吼。
通用[ | ]
- Leveling up grants a bonus to your choice of Health, Magicka, or Stamina. Choosing Stamina also increases your carrying capacity.
- Each time you level up, you may pick a 技能点. You can save your perk choice for later if you don't quite meet the requirements of the perk you want.
- 在床上睡觉能够获得休息奖励。睡在你自己的床上则能够得到充分休息奖励。
- 如果你装备了一个附魔武器,它目前的充能等级将显示在精力条或法力条上方。
- 你必须消耗精力来冲刺和施展强攻击。穿着重甲冲刺将比轻甲和布甲消耗更多的精力。
- 法力或精力条闪烁时,表示无法完成你所尝试的行动。此时强攻击会变成普通攻击,施法则会失败。
- Soul gems with souls in them are used to create and recharge magic weapons and armor.
- 强力的生物有着较大的灵魂,需要更大的灵魂石才能保存它们。灵魂越大,能让附魔效果更强力,或让武器更完整的充能。
- 当你获得一项新任务时,只要在你没有正在进行其他任务时,才会将其自动设为进行中。检视你的冒险日志看看哪些任务处于进行中状态。
- If you have too many quest targets, check your journal to see if you have more than one active quest. In the 支线 category, you can turn each objective on or off.
- 祭坛 in the city temples will heal any disease, and confer a blessing. Accepting the blessing of one shrine will remove the blessings of any others.
- Any map locations that have been discovered and visited can be fast traveled to, from any area outdoors.
- 和某人成为朋友后,他们也许会允许你从他们的房子里带走一些“纪念品”。
- 帮助过某人后,他会对你有好感。有些人可能会愿意追随你并听从你的命令。
- 你可以命令大部分追随你的伙伴和佣兵与世界互动。他们可以开门,拾取物品,前往特殊地点和攻击敌人。
- 潜行时如果眼睛图示部分张开,表示有人正在搜索你。如果完全张开,代表他们已经发现了你。
- Several factors determine whether you'll remain undetected while sneaking, including: enemies' line of sight, the weight of worn armor, speed of movement, and the Sneak skill itself.
- 大部分商店会从上午8点开放到下午8点。如果一家商店关门了,请等待到隔天早上……或者开锁闯入。
- 客栈可是获得小道消息的好去处。客栈老板通常会指引你去接受当地的任务。
- Items can be stored safely in any 容器 in your own home. But items kept in any other containers may not be there later when you go to retrieve them...
† 仅适用于上古卷轴V:黎明守卫。
错误[ | ]
- 尽管说如果已经有一个追踪的任务,就算接受一个新的任务,也不会将新接受的任务标记为追踪,但无论如何它可能都会将其标记为追踪,如此可能会追踪两个任务。
- Template:ALLPLAT游戏可能无法正确加载某个单元格,从而导致无限加载屏幕。退出游戏或关闭系统/控制台似乎是解决此问题的唯一方法。
- 360 PS3 载入界面可能会加载不当,并且在旋转和缩放时会闪烁。
- 360 PS3 有时尽管文字仍然存在,但模型不会出现。但这不会影响加载。